Niranjan Kumar

Bridging Computer Science and Medicine


To collaborate in diverse teams to leverage all aspects of software engineering--AI, cloud computing, wearable devices, mobile apps, and more--to enable personalized, high-quality, accessible, and equitable care to patients, improve physician well-being, accelerate scientific discovery, and promote the financial sustainability of healthcare long-term.


There will be no single "killer app" for software/AI/ML in medicine. Rather, there will be a constellation of technology-driven improvements which smoothen the rough edges of our healthcare system and facilitate the therapeutic interactions between physicians and patients. It is these human interactions that form the core of medicine. The role of technology is to enhance them without getting in the way.

Talking to the Data

Collecting data is easy. Extracting value from it is hard. There is so much data in medicine now, from electronic health records (EHR), to whole-genome sequences, to imaging studies, but we're just scratching the surface when it comes to obtaining clinical and especially research insights from all this data. It would be nice if we could simply "talk to the data" and find out its secrets. Given recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) and Generative AI, this is no longer just a pipe dream. Before long, it will be possible to simply talk to the EHR and ask it "What happened with this patient overnight?" or "How has this patient's lung cancer been managed thus far?" and receive concise answers. This will greatly speed up chart review and pre-rounding. One could go further and ask it "What happened during this hospitalization?" thereby generating a discharge summary, saving significant time when discharging a patient from the hospital.

NLP and Generative AI also have tremendous potential in research. When designing cohort studies, a researcher would be able to ask the EHR "Give me a list of all patients who have had [X] exposure, and for each patient in the list, give me [N] patients with similar age and demographics." The chart review work in cohort studies, in this way, can be largely automated. NLP can also be combined with unsupervised ML approaches such as clustering to ask the EHR questions like "Cluster all our dementia patients into [N] groups based on data documented in the EHR." Such queries may help identify new subtypes of known diseases or even new diseases entirely. It will also be possible to further query the system to find out what features were most salient in assigning patients to clusters. As these two examples illustrate, NLP and Generative AI can greatly accelerate biomedical research, freeing up researchers to do higher-level work.

Diagnostic Assistant

Diagnostic specialists, including radiologists and pathologists, play a central role in modern patient care. But they have a difficult job. They must sift through large volumes of data (an MRI may include more than 10 sequences, each with hundreds of individual images) and accurately identify all potentially relevant abnormalities, while ignoring irrelevant findings and artifacts, and interpret them in the context of the patient's clinical presentation. And with the tremendous growth in clinical volume of imaging studies and pathologic specimens far outpacing the training of new radiologists and pathologists, these specialists are performing their critical duties under immense time pressure. AI could be a boon to these doctors by taking over repetitive tedious tasks, such as finding lung nodules or labeling vertebrae, so these physicians can focus their time on more complex and nuanced matters.

AI is also capable of uncovering biologically and clinically significant insights in images that are not apparent to the human eye. For example, a team of researchers at Google and Stanford found that deep learning could identify risk factors for cardiovscular disease by examining retinal fundus photographs. AI is not simply a tool to automate tasks currently done by humans. It can do things no human can do, and thereby empower physicians with super-human tools to diagnose and treat disease.

App Pharmacy

In the age of Smartphones, the concept of an App Store is well-established. We could extend this concept to an App Pharmacy, where patients download Apps that help them manage their health. It is conceivable that these Apps could be regulated and prescribed like drugs or medical devices. There are already apps that help patients manage their diabetes and mental health. The power of these apps lies in the fact that patients spend the vast majority of their time outside the healthcare system, and that it is outside the healthcare system that the long-term trajectory of patients' health is determined. Patients can interact with Apps all day, every day, providing high-touch assistance that promotes continued adherence to the recommendations provided by their primary care physicians at annual or biannual appointments. Apps can also integrate relevant data from wearable health-monitoring devices. In this way, Apps can extend primary care physicians' capabilities to provide both primary prevention and disease management for chronic conditions, thereby improving length and quality of life, and decreasing the need for hospitalization.

Personalized Guidelines

Physicians often talk about balancing evidence-based medicine with clinical judgement. They rightly point out that while practice guidelines derived from large randomized controlled trials may have strong statistical evidence, they may not apply to individual patients for many potential reasons, including demographic differences between the particular patient in question and the study population, comborbidities of the particular patient, and the particular patient's history of response to the therapy in question, or to similar therapies. This puts physicians in the position of modifying or sometimes disregarding evidence-based guidelines and relying instead on their clinical reasoning. Due to their intellect, they are usually able to do this well, with good patient outcomes. However, there is the potential for sub-optimal decision-making. One of the tantalizing possibilities of AI is to synthesize all of the clinical reasearch available in the world to obtain large, diverse datasets and the use these datasets to generate practice guidelines uniquely tailored to each patient. For this to work well, patients of all backgrounds need to be sufficiently represented in the data, and while this may not always be the case today, as more and more data is collected, this approach will yield better and better results. This will enable physicians to make decisions with more confidence and also improve the equity of patient care, as patients from all backgrounds will be able to benefit from personalized evidence-based medicine.


One of the biggest challenges in healthcare is access, driven by the high cost of care (and insurance), the chronic shortage of physicians, and a growing and aging population. A key observation here is that not all patient concerns require the attention of a physician. For example, if a patient stubbed their toe on furniture or accidentally got soap in their eye, there are common-sense remedies that can be tried before considering reaching out to a medical provider. Many patients do this anyway, but some, especially the "worried well," may feel the need to enter the healthcare system for these concerns. Other concerns, such as headaches or upper respiratory infections, may require some medical advice, but could be managed by an NP or PA rather than a physician unless the patient has serious comorbidities. Some concerns require an in-person visit, while for others, a video visit or a chat message may suffice.

A Generative AI-powered chatbot could serve as patients' first point of contact with the healthcare system. It could ask the patient questions to understand their concern and take a brief history. Based on this information, it could decide whether this concern needs the attention of a human medical provider. If the condition is serious, it could recommend going to an Emergency Department and even contact first responders if the patient consents to it. If the patient ends up meeting a human medical provider, the history taken by the chatbot could be made available to that provider and be used for triaging or for generating a draft of an EHR note.

Virtual Reality for Education

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a 3D Virtual Reality (VR) experience could be worth a thousand pictures. It can be challenging to explain medical concepts to patients who do not work in healthcare. Part of the reason is that it is difficult for them to visualize what physicians are talking about when they describe diseases and proposed treatments, especially procedures. Supplementing the physician-patient discussion with a 3D VR experience will enable patients and family members to see and develop an intuitive understanding of what is being discussed, even if they do not know the terminology and full details.

3D VR could also be very helpful in educating medical students, especially in visual subjects such as anatomy. Current textbooks and atlases of anatomy contain hundreds of labeled images to teach students, but nearly all are limited to a 2D plane, making it difficult for some students to imagine how some structures are related in space. Some examples of structures difficult to understand from 2D images include the peritoneum in the abdomen and the bony labyrinth of the inner ear. 3D VR experiences would greatly enhance student learning in these areas. In fact, some medical schools have already adopted them in their curriculum.


During medical school, one of the most common complaints I've heard about electronic health records (EHR), especially in the outpatient setting, is that when they are in the room with a patient, they are forced to spend much of their time looking at the computer screen instead of making eye-contact with the patient. Physicians are often under pressure to see as many patients as possible each day, with no time between patients for documentation and other tasks. So, to avoid spending hours at the end of each day writing all the notes, doctors often must write much of their notes while in the room with patients. Some physicians are fortunate to have a scribe present to draft these notes, allowing them to focus on the patient. But scribes are expensive and simply not available in many practices. Advances in natural language processing enable the computer to serve as a scribe and generate a first draft of a note for the physician to then edit and sign. This will be huge in enabling physicians to be fully present when talking to their patients, helping restore natural human physician-patient interactions and improving both physician and patient satisfaction.

Billing Assistant

Part of the reason we hear so many complaints about electronic health records (EHR) is that modern EHR systems were optimized for billing rather than patient care. On top of this, in many practice settings, physicians are required to include information in clinical notes irrelevant to patient care for the purpose of justifying a certain billing level. These include things like time spent, medical decision making complexity, and patient comorbidities.

Natural language processing (NLP) and generative AI have the potential to take us back to a time when clinical notes were purely for chronicling what was done in the pursuit of patient care. These technologies can read the note written by the physician, identify what billing level is appropriate, and generate a justification of that billing level. This way, we can remove one hassle from physicians' plates and give them more time with their patients.

Office Assistant

There are many office tasks that take physicians' time away from patient care, especially in the primary care setting. One example is insurance prior authorization requests. With Generative AI, it will soon be possible to have the computer draft a prior authorization request letter for the physician to then look over and edit as needed before sending. This will greatly reduce the time spent on these letters while still ensuring that the physician's judgement is reflected in the final communication. A similar approach can be taken with EHR in-basket messages. Many primary care physicians report spending one or two hours after work responding to these messages. Applying generative AI may cut down most of this so-called "pajama time," giving doctors more time to spend with their families and recharge before the next day of work.

This technology can also be very helpful to patients. It could read the clinical note and draft an after-visit summary that communicates to the patient in lay terms what happened during the appointment and the necessary follow-up tasks recommended by the doctor. Outpatient office visits are often time-constrained and the information discussed may sometimes be overwhelming for the patient to remember. Providing patients a comphrehensive and reliable after-visit summary, accessible at any time through the patient portal, can help the patient remember key points, improve adherence to recommendations, and reduce the number of questions sent to the phsyicians as in-basket messages. Over time, the patient will feel more "in the loop" regarding their care, leading to a stronger therapeutic alliance.

About Me

I was born and raised in San Jose, CA. I double-majored in Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS) at Berkeley. I spent a year at an AI startup, and then moved to Google's life sciences division (now Verily) where I worked on wearable health-monitoring devices. After five years, I left Google to study medicine at the University of Michigan. Here, I have worked in the Restorative Neuroengineering Group, with Dr. Parag Patil developing algorithms using Diffusion Tensor MRI to and electrical impedance measurements to map out brain tissue to help improve the accuracy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for patients with Parkinson's disease and enable DBS for new indications. Alongside this, I also recently began working in the Knowledge Systems Lab with Dr. Chuck Friedman, where I am exploring how Large Language Models (the technology behind ChatGPT) can interact with computational representations of biomedical knowledge to help enable our lab's vision of a Learning Health System. In my free time, I mostly just chill, but I also enjoy hiking, cooking, and programming.

Niranjan Kumar

